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Personal Auto vs. Commercial in New Jersey

Personal Auto vs. Commercial in New Jersey

Knowing the difference in your New Jersey auto coverages, between personal and commercial, is essential especially for the small business owner like handyman or caterer.  Most likely your personal auto insurance won't cover accidents related to your work activities.

Commercial auto insurance policies cover the increased liability that comes with work vehicles.  There are different risks that come with using a vehicle for work on a daily basis.  The main difference is the higher liability limits and the purpose of coverage.

Commercial vehicle insurance comes into play when using for work purposes other than commuting, even if you are just going to the supermarket or running an errand.

Car insurance companies consider commercial auto insurance and personal car insurance to be 2 very different types of policies due to the differences in liability and risk. Personal policies are written with the average private citizen and their needs in mind, while commercial policies are designed to address the unique needs and situations that arise from commercial use.

If you have any question as to whether you should have New Jersey personal or commercial coverage, contact your Karabulut and Co Insurance Agency agent so you get answers and the appropriate coverage.


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